There are several way to get nutrients into our body…food usually being the main thing that comes to mind.  Vitamins/supplements usually come in at a close second.  But, what about Intravenous Therapy?

IV Therapy seems to be a buzz word right now and IV clinics popping up with fun sounding names of cocktails and drips.  However, intravenous technology actually isn’t anything new…it’s been used in health care since the 1830s…when Dr. Thomas Latta of Leith used it for studies on cholera treatment.

The reason for getting nutrients through IV Therapy is that it allows the nutrients to by-pass the gut and go directly into the circulation and cells of the body…which means almost all of it is going to be absorbed.  When nutrients are swallowed into the stomach/gut, they are only partially absorbed into the cells; and, in times of high stress and illness, they are absorbed by the gut even less so.  While food and supplements are still important fighters during those high stress times, the body can definitely gain extra benefits from IV Therapy.

At The Renewal Point, we have many Intravenous Therapy options ranging from the basic Myer’s Cocktail (an immune and energy booster) to EDTA Chelation (aids in removal of heavy metal) and Magnesium Sulfate (found to be effective for migraine headaches, neuropathic pain, and certain heart arrhythmias). The type of IV therapy that is right for you depends on the symptoms you are experiencing and/or your goal.

If you have been suffering from depression, fatigue, illness, insomnia, headaches, stomach problems, brain fog, or just feel like something is “off”, we encourage you to come see us.  Before prescribing any IV, we will always do a thorough medical assessment in order to determine the safest and most appropriate therapy for a patient.  In some cases, IV Therapy may be the best course of action, while in other cases, it may not be.

Our IV Therapy Program is inside of our Sarasota, FL medical office, which means that your IVs will be performed by our highly skilled medical staff with oversight of all protocols by our providers.  We have comfortable, reclining chairs, and WiFi available for all patients, making it easy for you to sleep or work during your appointment.

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment or learning more about the specific IVs we offer, we encourage you to call our office at 941-926-4905 or visit our IV webpage at: