An ad for a new product caught my eye recently. It was for multi-grain Pringles. Now, I’ve got no “chip” on my shoulder about junk food when eaten in prudent moderation (meaning very little), but making the case for justifying junk food by making it “multi-grain” illustrates the problem in the American diet. Magazine and television advertisements would lead you to believe the children’s cereal Froot Loops is a health food, if you want to believe that!

Simple sugars, empty carbs, corn syrup, fructose — these are simply not the building blocks for a healthy body. And they’re not called “empty” calories for nothing. In fact, they’re potentially harmful. At The Renewal Point we’ve been helping women and men lose and keep weight off for over 10 years. We have helped hundreds along the way. Our medically-based program offers science — not pre-packaged meals or severe calorie-restricted diets, which eventually leads to yo-yo weight loss/gain cycles. We plan for a program of health and metabolic balance, which helps you not only keep that weight off, but also enjoy a longer, greater quality of life.

At The Renewal Point we employ a detect and correct approach to weight loss. We first find out what’s going on inside of you via laboratory tests that detect metabolic problems, which may be holding you back from a healthy weight. Then we create a custom plan, designed just for you, based on hormone balance, nutrition, physical conditioning and sometimes detoxification.

Sample comments we hear at The Renewal Point about our weight loss program are:

“I’ve tried everything and failed. My ‘systems’ were not cooperating with my efforts! Well, The Renewal Point Weight Management Team put ‘it’ all together with me. I immediately began to feel better, more balanced and in control of my life.”

“After three years of struggling with my weight, a professional guided hormone balancing has changed my life for the better.”

“It has been five months since I started the program at The Renewal Point and I have lost 50 pounds and 12% body fat! I feel fantastic, look great, and I am enjoying my life so much more! I have a wonderfully restored life. Thank you, Renewal Point!”

“Currently, I have lost 28 pounds. My daughters say I look twenty years younger.”

Your Guide to Healthy Weight Loss for 2013

You’ll be planning your resolutions for 2013 soon. And you’ll be looking perhaps again to lose weight. Make it easier on yourself and allow us to guide you safely and precisely to your goals. At The Renewal Point we treat you individually, not as a number. We have found that each person’s metabolic problems are as different as their fingerprint.

Men Welcome!

At The Renewal Point we also work with men who want to lose weight. Men have their own needs and – we don’t need to tell you female readers this – they have their own unique physiology, including hormones. By applying the same detect and correct approach we can help guide the man in your life back to that trim fellow you remember.

Come to one of our seminars and see how it all works. Bring your friends. And put those Pringles back on the shelf.