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Upcoming articles and more from our clinical experts!

Natural Vitamins, Nutritional Health...

Vitamins and supplements are necessary today more than ever because our food contains fewer nutrients, our environment is more toxic and almost all Americans have nutritional deficiencies as a result of poor or insufficient eating habits. Men and women who routinely take supplements live 6-8 years longer, and healthier!   […]
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Hormones, For Women AND Men

WHY DO I NEED HORMONE TESTING? One-size does not fit all when it comes to hormones! For decades, the traditional approach has been to prescribe HRT as if everyone needs the same type of hormone therapy and in the same amounts. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your hormones […]
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Why Can't You Lose Weight?

It’s not a secret any longer; struggle with weight loss is uncomfortably common. Diet books, magazine articles, declarations from our government, informercials – they are all screaming that we have a problem… as though we didn’t already know. And if you are like most that are uncomfortable with the dress […]
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You Say “Diet!” – Your Body Says...

High school biology taught us that fat was just a type of tissue in our body, dead weight we have to carry along for the ride. Some of us have more, some less. But recent discoveries show that fat cells are more than that, actually communicating with our body’s network […]
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Medical Aesthetic and Skin Care...

You may remember Junior High Science class. They taught us that “your skin is the largest organ in your body”. And we thought “wow” … and perhaps never gave it another thought. But if your skin really is your largest organ, might it also be your most important? Your Skin […]
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Anti-Aging and Age Management Program

There’s More to LIFE…and here’s how to find it… Visualize your life in 10 years or 20…or 30. Are you more or less active? More or less involved with your kids or grand kids? Are you starting new projects, meeting new people, advancing a career or starting a new one… […]
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