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Upcoming articles and more from our clinical experts!

Food Allergies ~ What Are They and...

My fuzzy brain, IBS, acid reflux, fibromyalgia, and joint pain. Could these be caused by foods I’m eating everyday?  We’ve been getting a lot of questions recently about food allergies.  Because this topic can really be confusing, I wanted to take this opportunity to try and help answer some of […]
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The Monster Within

Sounds like the title of a horror movie doesn’t it? Taming your waistline without also taming the monster within can be frustrating if not next to impossible. On TV, Dr. Oz, and internet blogs, we hear more and more about inflammation and its devastating effect on our health and the […]
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Weight Gain – Is It Your Jeans or...

  Can it be that obesity is a highly inheritable trait?  Can we then blame mom and dad for our weight problems? Hold that thought.   I come from a rural Appalachian community where you hear this common expression, “My daddy’s chubby, my momma’s chubby, all my brothers and sisters […]
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Are you a Member of the 35%?

And it has nothing to do with social status, wealth or political affiliation. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 35% of U.S. adults are obese. Obesity affects your quality of life and will cause you to die earlier than your peers. And how does it make […]
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Multi-grain Pringles anyone?

An ad for a new product caught my eye recently. It was for multi-grain Pringles. Now, I’ve got no “chip” on my shoulder about junk food when eaten in prudent moderation (meaning very little), but making the case for justifying junk food by making it “multi-grain” illustrates the problem in […]
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Don’t let household toxins steal...

Alarmingly, toxins are ever present in our environment. If you breathe air, eat food, or drink water, toxins are entering your body. These stealth killers go into our bodies, but many of them do not come back out! They literally get stuck in the deep tissues of our bodies in […]
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Are You Seeking The Hormone...

While Googling women’s health topics I came upon the usual quick fixes, miracle creams and over-hyped, questionable treatments, as well as many reputable practitioners. It was there I saw the words “The Hormone Wizard”. It’s a clever name for women seeking answers and relief for the often-mysterious health challenge known […]
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It's NOT About the Bathing Suit

It’s warm weather time in Florida. We’re heading to the beach, lounging by the pool, going on vacation. Also about this time you start seeing ads with a familiar refrain: “It’s swimsuit season! Time to get in shape!” And that means for so many women anxiety, frustration, even fear. As […]
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How Toxic Are You?

There’s nothing funny about toxins but they’re definitely scary and they are out to get you. And no, this isn’t a scene from a ‘50s horror movie. Truth is we hear more and more every day about toxins in our environment. They come in all forms and come at us […]
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Ordering Supplements

If you would like to reorder supplements, please send the supplement name and quantity to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .  Please include your address, credit card information, and phone number in the body of the email.  If you […]
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To Fast or Not To Fast?

Whether or not to fast is a question that seems to be on many of my patient’s minds and with very good reason — there is a lot of conflicting information in the media and on the web when it comes to this question.  For the majority of the population, […]
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The Value of Challenging Yourself...

Most of us remember when we were at our “best” – when physical limitations were more about “guts” than they were about strength, flexibility or stamina. We would take on any challenge offered up by our buddies. We could stay up all night just for the fun of it. We tried […]
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