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Hot Flashes Impair Memory Performance

According to a recent article published in  the journal  of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS), “If you are having difficulty identifying the right word to express yourself clearly or remembering a story correctly, you may blame menopause.” Previous studies have shown that women experience a decline in memory for […]
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Novel approach using Nutrigenomics for...

“Knowledge is Power”-Sir Francis Bacon Suzanne was never able to lose the pregnancy weight from her two boys, now 6 and 8 years old.  She had tried every low-carb diet out there—-Atkins, The Zone, Sugar Busters, Wheat Belly, but still struggled with that last 20 pounds.  Suzanne thought she had […]
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Bio-identical Hormone Balancing and...

Video of Bio-identical Hormone Balancing and Perimenopause Q & A with Dr. Watts In this 4 minute interview, Dr. Watts addresses misconceptions about hormone balancing and why he chooses to use Bio-identical Hormones to help his patients feel and look their best!
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Age Management and Male Menopause...

Video of Age Management and Male Menopause (Andropause) Q & A with Dr. Watts What exactly is Anti-Aging Medicine? What are the symptoms of male menopause (andropause)?  By balancing testosterone and other hormones, we can help you maintain the highest quality of life for as long as possible. Correcting the […]
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Bioidentical Hormone and Neuroadrenal...

Video of Bio-identical Hormone and NeuroAdrenal Balancing Q & A with Dr. Watts What are the lesser known symptoms of hormone imbalances? Brain hormones? Depression? Get a glimpse into Dr. Watts’ personal struggle with depression when he was younger.
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The Gut, Brain, Body Connection –...

Video of The Gut, Brain, Body Connection How does gut bacteria affect our cravings? Does gut bacteria actually change the way we think? Your gut health is incredibly related to your overall health, even emotions ~ so if your gut health is off, you are probably feeling pretty bad overall. […]
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Inflammation and IBS Q & A with Dr....

Video of Inflammation Q & A with Dr. Watts What are the symptoms of Inflammation? What’s happening in the body with inflammation? Irritable bowel syndrome? What advice does Dr. Watts have for people looking for natural ways to reduce inflammation?
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Toxins in Our Environment ~ Q & A...

Video of Toxins in Our Environment Q & A with Dr. Watts How are environmental toxins affecting us? What’s the Dirty Dozen? Seven billion pounds of environmental toxins are being dumped into our air and water each year. These heavy metals, chemicals, herbicides, and pesticides then enter our bodies – […]
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What Is Integrative Medicine?

Video of What is Integrative Medicine? At The Renewal Point, we value evidenced-based medicine and education, which leads us to use an integrative approach, combining the most reliable and effective therapies from traditional, metabolic, functional, and regenerative medicine.
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About Dr. Watts

Video of About Dr. Watts Q and A with Dr. Watts’ about his career and academic path…. from managing an Emergency Room and Nursing Home…to being an OBGYN and Minimally Invasive Surgeon….to Anti-Aging Medicine….and, now, Metabolic Endocrinology and Integrative Medicine!
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Top 5 Tips to Lose Belly Fat, Fast

Your midsection is getting softer and chubbier, but it doesn’t make sense…you are eating right and  just as active as you have been for years.  It feels as if your body is out of balance… like there’s something else going on that is making your trim waistline a thing of […]
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The Environment and Alzheimer's...

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a devastating, progressive illness, which can affect anyone after the age of 60.  In fact, AD is the most prevalent progressive neurodegenerative disease, responsible for 75% of all dementia cases today.  Sadly, it affects women much more than men.  The specific causes are unknown, but a […]
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